Monday, September 30, 2013

Thing #8: Wiki's

     The whole concept of wiki's is totally new to me.  I've heard of Wikipedia and was aware that content found there was a collaborative effort from various contributors.  What I did not know was that the idea of Wiki's was so popular and extensive.  Originally, I felt the idea of having random people contribute to a particular topic was unclear in purpose.  Now, I do see the benefits of such interaction and collaboration, especially in certain instances like student projects, business and professional communication, and public institutions such as libraries and county offices.  
     I thought the Book Lovers Wiki was interesting and unique.  Contributors can write and post a book review on the latest book that they have read and rate it.  They had numerous postings on countless books from various reviewers.  This can be very useful if one is considering reading a book and wants to get an idea of what a the book is about and if it's a possible "good" reading.  Although the reviews are subjective, it still could serve as a viable point of view to seriously consider.
     I also viewed several of the teacher's blogs from the Educator Wikis.  This is a great tool to use for teachers to share and find great ideas for their classroom from other teachers.  One that I thought was fascinating was "100 Names" where a teacher was collecting 1000 names so that her students could visually see what 1000 actually looks like.  It seems like the wiki was so popular that people kelp adding to the list until it surpassed its original target of 1000 and was on its way to reach 3000!  This, I think, is a great tool to use when soliciting participation from viewers. I could possibly use a wiki in the classroom to do a lesson on instruments by asking students to add to a list their favorite instrument.

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