Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Thing #1: Lifelong Learning

   Viewing the short tutorial on "7 1/2 Habits of Lifelong Learners" really prompted me to think and reflect on my own learning throughout my life as well as my current learning habits. As I reflect, I've come to the conclusion that "attitude" IS everything when it comes to positioning one's self to learn something that is new and, sometimes, even challenging and difficult.  "I will...I can...I do", as stated in the tutorial, is ultimately, the attitude one needs in order to succeed and grow in your learning development.

   In terms of the easiest habit for me mentioned in the tutorial, it would have to be Habit #1: "Begin with the end in mind."  As I prepare to complete a task, project, or assignment, before starting, I always envision what I want the end project to look like.  Even if I'm not sure how to get there, this is always my starting point.  I can literally see it with my "mind's eye" before I ever write one word, draw one line, build one structure, or take one picture.

The most difficult habit for me to master would have to be Habit #4: "Have confidence in yourself as a competent, effective learner." There have been many times, even in this grad program, where I've felt that I know so little about a particular topic, or in the case of being in this program, knowing little about technology.  It's at those times that I've had to give myself a mental pep talk and remind myself that "I can do ALL things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me!!!"  Amen! Then I've been able to move forward.  I'm getting better at this one though!  :0)

Attached, is the link to my "Learning Contract".
Learning Contract

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